LECTURE by Dr. Caroline Rabourdin: Title to be Specified,* preceded by The Incomplete Log of the Lost Conversation Between the Peasant Poet and the Metropolitan Gypsy

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

Evening Lecture at the AA School of Architecture by Dr. Caroline Rabourdin, with an introduction by Joyce Chen. Tuesday 17th January 2017, 6.30 pm, AA Lecture Hall.

The lecture can be viewed on the AA website

Conférence à la AA School of Architecture, Londres, par Dr. Caroline Rabourdin, introduction par Joyce Chen. Mardi 17 janvier 2017, 18h30, AA Lecture Hall.

La conférence peut être visualisée sur le site de la AA.

photo credits: Ping Ping Lu

PUBLICATION Spatial Translations and Embodied Bilingualism

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

A few years after its initial delivery for the Language, Migration and Diaspora Symposium held by the Literary and Cultural Studies of the Royal Irish Academy and the School of Languages at the DIT, my essay on 'Spatial Translations and Embodied Bilingualism' has been published in the new born Irish Journal for Culture, Arts, literature and Language (CALL) Vol.1: issue 1, Article 12 (2016). The ideas touched upon in this early essay have since been explored in greater depth in my doctoral research and this piece, also my first participation to an international conference, is in many respects the starting point and pivotal moment of my PhD. Like Montaigne, I constantly annotate, review and revisit.


Plusieurs années suivant ma participation au Symposium Language, Migration and Diaspora à Dublin, organisé par the Literary and Cultural Studies of the Royal Irish Academy and the School of Languages, DIT, mon essai 'Spatial Translations and Embodied Bilingualism' vient d'être publié dans le tout nouveau né Irish Journal for Culture, Arts, literature and Language (CALL) Vol.1: issue 1, Article 12 (2016). Les idées embryonnaires de cet essai, présenté lors de ma première conférence internationale, ont grandi dans bien d'autres lieux, essais et enseignements, mais constituent du reste un moment clef et inaugural de mon doctorat. Comme Montaigne, j'annote, je révise, j'épuise.



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Many thanks to my examiners Prof. Tom Conley and Dr. Maria Walsh for the discussion, their precious comments and suggestions during my PhD Viva. Thank you also to my supervisors Bernice Donszelmann, Dr. Brendan Prendeville and Dr. Ken Wilder for six years of continuous support and to my family and friends who made this possible. 

Un grand merci à Prof. Tom Conley et Dr. Maria Walsh pour la discussion, les commentaires et suggestions lors de ma soutenance de thèse de doctorat. Merci également au soutien de mes directeurs de thèse Bernice Donszelmann, Dr. Brendan Prendeville and Dr. Ken Wilder pendant ces six dernières années, et à ma famille et amis qui ont rendu l'aventure possible. 


Added on by caroline rabourdin.

Publication of my essay titled 'The Titleer' in the Non-Sense issue of AArchitecture n.26/Term 1, 2015/16, pp. 56-59, published by the Architectural Association.
view the full issue 26 of AArchitecture here

Publication de mon essai intitulé 'The Titleer' dans le numéro 26 de AArchitecture consacré au Non-Sense, publié par l'Architectural Association, Term 1, 2015/16, pp. 56-59
lire le numéro 26 de AArchitecture

AA PARIS Visiting School

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

Selected highlights of the AA Paris Visiting School at the Villa Vassilieff. For more info or to register your interest for the next edition in July 2017, please visit aaschool.ac.uk
or write to visitingschool@aaschool.ac.uk

Moments choisis, AA Visiting School à la Villa Vassilieff. 
Pour plus d'informations ou pour participer à la prochaine édition en juillet 2017, visitez aaschool.ac.uk ou écrivez à visitingschool@aaschool.ac.uk

PUBLICATION Le Corps Géométrique en Mouvement

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

Publication of my essay entitled 'Le Corps géométrique en mouvement' in the magazine Architectures Cree n.375 avril-mai 2016 pp. 46-49.
In the 'Relecture section', the essay moves from the teaching of descriptive geometry as described in Molly Nesbit's excellent book Their Common Sense, to phenomenological considerations by Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Alain Berthoz' physiological definition of Le Sens du mouvement. 
In this issue of the magazine you will also find an interview of the late Claude Parent, creator of the Fonction Oblique.
Architectures Cree 375

Publication de mon essay 'Le Corps géométrique en mouvement' dans le magazine Architectures Cree n.375 avril-mai 2016 pp. 46-49.
Classé dans la catégorie 'Relecture', l'essai passe de l'enseignement de la géométrie descriptive, tel qu'il est décrit dans l'excellent livre de la critique d'art Molly Nesbit Their Common Sense, aux considérations phénoménologiques de Maurice Merleau-Ponty, pour aboutir à la définition physiologique d'Alain Berthoz dans Le Sens du mouvement.
Dans ce numéro vous trouverez également un entretien avec Claude Parent, créateur de la Fonction Oblique.
Architectures Cree 375

AA PARIS Visiting School

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

Registration is now open for Architecture & Ecriture, the first edition of the AA Paris Visiting School programme, taking place 1-10 July 2016.

Participants will engage in Writing seminars, visits to Artists' books collections and a public event in the unique setting of the Villa Vassilieff, research centre for the Arts, where they will be able to showcase their work.

more info paris.aaschool.ac.uk



Les inscriptions sont ouvertes pour Architecture & Ecriture, la première édition du AA PARIS Visiting School programme, qui aural lieu du 1er au 10 Juillet 2016.

Les participants prendront part à des ateliers d'écriture, des visites de collections de livres d'artistes et auront l'occasion de présenter leurs travaux à la Villa Vassilieff, centre de recherche artistique.

informations sur paris.aaschool.ac.uk

PUBLICATION Literature and Geography

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

I am delighted to announce the publication of my Essay 'Walking and Writing: Paul Auster's map of the Tower of Babel,' in a volume entitled Literature and Geography: The Writing of Space throughout History, edited by Emmanuelle Peraldo and published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing. The publication is now available here

J'ai le plaisir d'annoncer la publication de mon Essai intitulé "Walking and Writing: Paul Auster's map of the Tower of Babel", dans un volume intitulé Literature and Geography: The Writing of Space throughout History, edité par Emmanuelle Peraldo et publié par Cambridge Scholars Publishing. L'ouvrage est maintenant disponible ici

ACLA Annual Meeting at Harvard University

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

I will be taking part in the next Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA). The conference will take place in Harvard between the 17th and 20th of March 2016. My presentation, is part of the Writing Between Worlds: Multilingualism as a Creative Force II seminar. It is entitled Wolson's Reformed Body
more info here


J'aurai le plaisir de participer au prochain rassemblement annuel de l'American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) qui se tiendra à Harvard du 17 au 20 Mars 2016. Ma contribution, intitulée 'Wolfson's Reformed Body' fera partie du séminaire Writing Between Worlds: Multilingualism as a Creative Force. 
informations ici

Sept 2015 – Start of a New Year at the AA School of Architecture

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

Nouvelle année d'enseignement avec un nouveau séminaire et atelier à la AA School of Architecture. Le séminaire de diplôme est intitulé 'the Essay as Form', d'après l'essai d'Adorno dans 'Notes sur la littérature', et l'atelier 'Printed Matter', d'après la librairie de livres d'artistes à New York.

Je prépare également un nouveau programme pour la Visiting School à Paris pour l'été 2016, ouvert à tous. Détails à suivre, sur le site paris.aaschool.ac.uk, ou sur twitter @carorabourdin

I will be running two new courses at the AA School of Architecture this year. The HTS Diploma course titled 'The Essay as Form', after Adorno's own essay, and the Media Studies course titled 'Printed Matter', after New York based Artists' bookshop.

I am also preparing a new Visiting School programme in Paris for summer 2016, open to all. So watch this space, see details on paris.aaschool.ac.uk or follow me on twitter @carorabourdin


AA Bookshop, LDN, photo Nex Architectures

AA Bookshop, LDN, photo Nex Architectures

Printed Matter, NY, photo by Untappedcities

Printed Matter, NY, photo by Untappedcities

12/13.03.15_ Littérature et Géographie

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

Prochaine conférence à laquelle j'aurai le plaisir de contribuer:
Littérature et Géographie: l'écriture de l'espace à travers les âges. 
Colloque international
Université Jean-Moulin - Lyon 3
IETT (Institut d'Etudes Transtextuelles et Transculturelles)

12-13 mars 2015

Ma contribution, en anglais, s'intitule Walking and Writing: Paul Auster's Map of the Tower of Babel

I will be presenting at the following conference:
Literature and Geography: the writing of space throughout history
International Conference
Université Jean-Moulin - Lyon 3
IETT (Institut d'Etudes Transtextuelles et Transculturelles)
12-13 March 2015

My paper, which I will be giving in English, is titled Walking and Writing: Paul Auster's Map of the Tower of Babel

letters OWE.jpg

06.02.15 CopyPress Event at Housmans Bookshop

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

Member of the discussion panel at the Copy Press Reader's Union event titled Developing and Contact – Pure Means by Yve Lomax
on Friday 6th February at Housmans Bookshop, London.
With Cécile Malaspina, Jess Potter  and Kristen Kreider.

Participante à la discussion organisée par Copy Press dans le cadre de la série Reader's Union et intitulée Developing and Contact – à propos de l'oeuvre Pure Means  de Yve Lomax
le vendredi 6 février à  Housmans Bookshop, Londres.
Avec Cécile Malaspina, Jess Potter et Kristen Kreider.

18/20.09.14 _ Art in Translation Conference

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

I will be presenting at the Art in Translation Conference, at the Nordic House, Reykjavik which will take place on 18-20 September 2014.
the theme for this 3rd edition of the conference is The Art of Being In-Between. Keynote speakers include American writer Amy Tan, Pr Roger M.A. Allen, Dr Matthew Rubery. 

Provisional paper title: Making Sense of Caroline Bergvall's multilingual poetry: The space between langues and Lecercle's Philosophy of Nonsense

Art in Translation is a biennial conference held by The University of Iceland, Iceland Academy of the Arts and The University of Manitoba in cooperation with the Nordic House, Ministry of Culture and Education and Reykjavík City of Literature. 

More info on the website: here

Participation retenue, au troisième colloque international Art in Translation, à la Maison Nordique, Reykjavik, qui se tiendra du 18 au 20 Septembre 2014.
Le thème de cette conférence est The Art of Being In-Between. Les intervenants d'honneur sont l'écrivain américaine Amy Tan, Pr Roger M.A. Allen, Dr Matthew Rubery.

Titre prévisionnel de la présentation:  Making Sense of Caroline Bergvall's multilingual poetry: The space between langues and Lecercle's Philosophy of Nonsense

Art in Translation est organisé par University of Iceland, Iceland Academy of the Arts, et University of Manitoba en coopération avec la Maison Nordique, le ministère de la Culture et de l'Education et Reykjavík City of Literature.

Informations sur le site web: ici

12.03.14 _ research seminar on Creative Critical Writing

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

I will be presenting for the Practice-based PhD seminar, English department of Royal Holloway, London University, at the Centre for Creative Collaboration on March 12th 2014, 5pm, near Kings Cross.
address: 16 Acton Street, London, WC1X 9NG

Presentation title: Words of the Train Journey

Research programme website: here
Centre for Creative Collaboration website: here

Présentation pour le séminaire de recherche organisé par Royal Holloway, London University, English Department, au Centre for Creative Collaboration ( Centre pour la Collaboration Créative) le 12 Mars 2014, 17h, près de Kings Cross.
adresse: 16 Acton Street, London, WC1X 9NG

Titre de la présentation: Words of the Train Journey

Site du programme doctoral: ici
Site du Centre for Creative Collaboration: ici

Royal Holloway Practice-based PhD programme

Royal Holloway Practice-based PhD programme

Royal Holloway Practice-based PhD programme

Royal Holloway Practice-based PhD programme

29.11 to 01.12.13 _ Travelling Narratives Conference

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

I will be presenting at the Travelling Narratives: Modernity and the Spatial Imaginary symposium, 29th Nov-1st Dec 2013 at Zurich University

Présentation title: The Expanding Space of the Train Carriage: a phenomenological reading of Michel Butor's La Modification

The conference will be held in cooperation with the international Border Aesthetics group based at the University of Tromsø (Norway) and the research group Spaces of Language and Literature from the University of Tampere (Finland).

With Keynote speakers
Prof. Dr. Tom Conley (Harvard, USA)
Prof. Dr. Andrew Thacker (Leicester, UK)
Dr. Robert T. Tally Jr. (San Marcos, USA)  

More info about the conference here

Je vais participer à la conférence Travelling Narratives: Modernity and the Spatial Imaginary à l'Université de Zurich du 29 Novembre au 1er Décembre 2013.

Titre de la présentation: The Expanding Space of the Train Carriage: a phenomenological reading of Michel Butor's La Modification 

La conférence est organisée en collaboration avec le groupe de recherche international Border Aesthetics basé à l'Université de Tromsø (Norvège) et le groupe Spaces of Language and Literature de l'Université de Tampere (Finlande)

Avec comme invités d'honneur
Prof. Dr. Tom Conley (Harvard, USA)
  Prof. Dr. Andrew Thacker (Leicester, UK)
          Dr. Robert T. Tally Jr. (San Marcos, USA)  

More info about the conference here

27/28.06.13 _ Translations: Exchange of Ideas Research Conference

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

I will be presenting at the Translations: Exchange of Ideas research conference in Cardiff University
27th-28th June 2013.

Paper's title: Le Sens de la Translation : Understanding Geometrical Translation as an Embodied and Sensory Practice

More info about the conference here

Article sélectionné pour la conférence Translations: Exchange of Ideas à l'Université de Cardiff
les 27 et 28 juin 2013.

Titre de l'article: Le Sens de la Translation: Understanding Geometrical Translation as an Embodied and Sensory Practice

Plus d'informations ici

05.06.13 _ Sounding Space Symposium

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

Bilingual Sound Installation shown as part of the Sounding Space Symposium
in Arup's designed immersive environment BE OPEN Sound Portal.

The Portal will be located on the Parade Ground at Chelsea College of Art and Design, London
Exhibition opening 5th June 2013. Symposium 6th-7th June 2013.
more details here

Installation Audio Bilingue présentée dans le cadre du Sounding Space Symposium
à découvrir dans le BE OPEN Sound Portal conçu par Arups.

Le Portal sera installé sur le Parade Ground at Chelsea College of Art and Design, Londres

Vernissage le 5 juin 2013.
Symposium les 6 et 7 juin 2013. Plus d'informations ici

sounding space.jpg

08.05.13 _ Re-Contested Sites/Sights conference

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

Conférence Re-Contested Sites/Sights
mercredi 8 mai 2013
à Chelsea College of Art and Design.
Conférence organisée par Ope Lori, Pamela Kember, Idit Nathan, Corinne Silva et moi-même

détails de la conférence ici

présentation de Look Left Hear Right, video de 6.10 min, avec bande sonore bilingue, projet en cours

Re-Contested Sites/Sights research conference
Wednesday 8th May 2013
at Chelsea College of Art and Design.
Conference organised by Ope Lori, Pamela Kember, Idit Nathan, Corinne Silva and myself

more details about the conference here

presentation of Look Left Hear Right, 6.10 min video with bilingual audio track, work in progress

01.03.13 _ Contested Sites/Sights Conference

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

Conférence Contested Sites/Sights
01 mars 2012
à Chelsea College of Art and Design.
Conférence organisée par Ope Lori, Pamela Kember, Idit Nathan, Corinne Silva et moi-même

détails de la conférence ici

je vais donner une performance, durant laquelle une projection de mon image deviendra mon interprète, alternant Français et Anglais. La performance a pour titre: Look Left Hear Right, Reversal Phenomenon, Language and Duality

Contested Sites/Sights research conference
01 March 2013
at Chelsea College of Art and Design.
Conference organised by Ope Lori, Pamela Kember, Idit Nathan, Corinne Silva and myself

more details about the conference here

my presentation will take the form of a performance, with myself and a projection of myself alternatively reading prompts in French and English. The performance is titled: Look Left, Hear Right : Reversal Phenomenon, Language and Duality

02/03.12.11 International Language Symposium, Dublin

Added on by caroline rabourdin.

Je présente un article au Symposium Language, Migration and Diaspora, à Dublin, qui a lieu les 2 et 3 décembre 2011.
La conférence est organisée par DIT, School of Languages, avec le soutien de la Royal Irish Academy.

plus d'informations sur le symposium ici.

Mon article est intitulé Bilingual Space and Spatial Translations : Migrant's cognitive experience from and architectural perspective 

I am presenting a paper at the Language, Migration and Diaspora Symposium in Dublin
taking place on the 2nd and 3rd December 2011.
The conference is organised by the DIT School of Languages with support from the Royal Irish Academy.

more information here

My paper's title is: Bilingual Space and Spatial Translations : Migrant's cognitive experience from and architectural perspective