Enseignement ..  .  .. TEACHING (previous and present)

University of Greenwich

MArch Architecture https://www.gre.ac.uk/subjects/architecture

BA Architecture https://www.gre.ac.uk/subjects/architecture

Greenwich University Unit 01 unit01greenwich.wordpress.com

Greenwich University Unit Two http://unittwogreenwich.wordpress.com/ 

Greenwich University Atelier 10 http://atelier10.wordpress.com/ 

AA School of Architecture

AA Visiting School PARIS Head : paris.aaschool.ac.uk

AA Diploma History & Theory Lecturer : aaessays.wordpress.com

AA Media Studies Lecturer Taking Measure : takingmeasure.wordpress.com

MA History & Critical Thinking Lecturer : hct.aaschool.ac.uk

Media Studies Lecturer Printed Matter : aaprintedmatter.com

Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL 

Teaching Fellow in History and Theory ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/architecture/

UCL Teaching Fellow for the Arts and Science (BASc) programme: ucl.ac.uk/basc/

Supervisor for the Advanced Architectural Research PG Cert

PhD supervision in Architectural Design

Cork Centre for Architectural Education (UCC)

Guest lecturer for the Master of Architecture programme 

Chelsea College of Arts

UAL Chelsea College of Arts, Architecture and Spatial Design: arts.ac.uk

Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture

Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture http://atelierpetercook.blogspot.co.uk/ 


Recherche ..  .  .. RESEARCH

University of the Arts London

Art in Translation Biennale

Contested Sites/Sights Conference

DIT Modern Langues Conference

French Poetry &

PolyPly Poetics Research Centre

Sounding Space Installation

The Practice Exchange Seminars

TrAIN research Centre

University of Zurich - Travelling Narratives Conference