Interdisciplinary workshop organised in July 2024 by Caroline Rabourdin and Katarina Stenke with the support of the Collaborative Research Development Fund from the Institute for Inclusive communities and Environments (ICE) at the University of Greenwich.
Conrtibutors: Sarah Haggarty, Vit Hopley and Yve Lomax, Marko Jobst, Sepideh Karami, Chris L Smith, Caroline Rabourdin and Katarina Stenke.
Atelier interdisciplinaire organisé en juillet 2024 par Caroline Rabourdin et Katarina Stenke avec le soutien du Fonds de Développement de Recherche Collaborative Collaborative, de l’Institute for Inclusive communities and Environments (ICE) à l’Université de Greenwich.
Participants: Sarah Haggarty, Vit Hopley and Yve Lomax, Marko Jobst, Sepideh Karami, Chris L Smith, Caroline Rabourdin and Katarina Stenke.