A few years after its initial delivery for the Language, Migration and Diaspora Symposium held by the Literary and Cultural Studies of the Royal Irish Academy and the School of Languages at the DIT, my essay on 'Spatial Translations and Embodied Bilingualism' has been published in the new born Irish Journal for Culture, Arts, literature and Language (CALL) Vol.1: issue 1, Article 12 (2016). The ideas touched upon in this early essay have since been explored in greater depth in my doctoral research and this piece, also my first participation to an international conference, is in many respects the starting point and pivotal moment of my PhD. Like Montaigne, I constantly annotate, review and revisit.
Plusieurs années suivant ma participation au Symposium Language, Migration and Diaspora à Dublin, organisé par the Literary and Cultural Studies of the Royal Irish Academy and the School of Languages, DIT, mon essai 'Spatial Translations and Embodied Bilingualism' vient d'être publié dans le tout nouveau né Irish Journal for Culture, Arts, literature and Language (CALL) Vol.1: issue 1, Article 12 (2016). Les idées embryonnaires de cet essai, présenté lors de ma première conférence internationale, ont grandi dans bien d'autres lieux, essais et enseignements, mais constituent du reste un moment clef et inaugural de mon doctorat. Comme Montaigne, j'annote, je révise, j'épuise.